Rich Messina is President and Chief Executive Officer of The Benchmark Company, which he founded in 1988. Currently, he oversees 90 employees across the United States engaged in equity research, sales and trading, and investment banking. Previously in 2018, he was appointed to the Board of Directors of Juniper Pharmaceuticals, Inc., where he was one of the largest individual shareholders. While on the board, Mr. Messina served on the Special Committee of Independent Directors that helped oversee the sale of Juniper to Catalent, Inc. (NYSE: CTLT) for $140 million. He also served as Co-Chairman on the board of OP-TECH Environmental Services for 8 years. He was the largest shareholder of OP-TECH, which was sold in 2013 to National Response Corp., a portfolio investment of the private equity firm of J.F. Lehman & Company. Rich is a graduate from University of Massachusetts Amherst.